Let’s be honest here. Living on Planet Earth these days is no piece of cake.
Truly, it’s become increasingly difficult to find the sweetness in Life with all the anger, violence, depression, viruses, dictators, and corrupt politicians fighting for space on the newsreels.
And let’s not forget the ire from friends and family members whose opinions differ from ours.
Sadly, whenever we open our mouths to share an opinion we risk offending someone. Or, in the case of writers, whenever we write anything.
Convincing people to do the “right” thing can be challenging, but that doesn’t mean we should never try. Besides being teachers, historians, and entertainers, writers are also risk takers.
So what’s a writer to do when the world has gone alarmingly berserk? We take a stance, find positive solutions, and encourage others to make a change!
Here are some action steps you can take right now:
1. Submit a letter to your state senator. 2. Write an editorial to your local newspaper. 3. Leave an opinion on your favorite social media. 4. Write about your feelings in your newsletter. 5. Have your novel’s protagonist fight against the things you personally abhor.
Let writing be your super power. Whether you write on a daily basis or whenever the mood strikes you, remember that your words matter. Don your superhero cape and write ON!